Saturday, August 27, 2022

James Webb Telescope FINALLY Proves Stephen Hawking's Dark Matter Theory!

James Webb Telescope FINALLY Proves Primary Black Holes is Dark Matter.


The splitting black hole big bang and direct Herbig Haro star/galaxy formation. by JWST by dual equal sized black holes not able to merge but with a star in between .

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Evidence for the new Q-FFF Model, opposing the standard model.

In Opposition to the the standard model:
Single and dual tadpole micro black holes all seem to have a Penrose-Vuyk trapped spacetime horizon able to attract and closeby repel all fermions into a pushing plasma tail of the black hole . The plasma atil is influenced by local gravitational hotspots like other micro and macro lack holes.

New physics is underway: Quantum Function Follows Form theory.
(Q-FFF model).

The mystery of Dual Filamentary structures in  Nebulae, is solved by the new  physics primary micro Herbig Haro dual black hole systems. See  by the new physics of new rigid String model, with Penrose- Vuyk Trapped Spacetime horizon effects around all string knot black holes, even around micro- interference black holes created by stars, comets, sunspots, tadpoles ball lightnings etc.  see:

Several Tadpoles also propelled by plasma tails found at Jupiter:

Monday, August 22, 2022

The mystery of Dual Filamentary structures in Planetary Nebulae. (New Physics Q-FFF Model))

The mystery of Dual Filamentary structures in  Nebulae, is solved by the new  physics primary micro Herbig Haro dual black hole systems. See  by the new physics of new rigid String model, with Penrose- Vuyk Trapped Spacetime horizon effects around all string knot black holes, even around micro- interference black holes created by stars, comets, sunspots, tadpoles ball lightnings etc.  see:
In Opposition to the  the standard model: 
Single and dual tadpole micro black holes all seem to have a Penrose-Vuyk trapped spacetime horizon able to attract and closeby repel all fermions into a pushing plasma tail of the black hole . The plasma atil is influenced by local gravitational hotspots like other micro and macro lack holes.

see also the examples :
"Filamentary structures in planetary nebulae"
by: Hanna Sundberg Per Carlqvist Gösta F. Gahm

Text: We propose a theory where the magnetic fields control the sculpting and evolution of small-scale filaments.
This theory demonstrates how the substructures may form magnetized flux ropes that are twisted around each other, in the shape of double helices. Similar structures, and with similar origin, are found in many other astrophysical environments.

Fig. 3 a Large Y-shaped filament found in NGC 3132, with the stem pointing toward the central regions of the nebula. Image size:16′′ × 21′′. Image credit: NASA and the Hubble Heritage Team.

Fig. 4 a Cometary knot with a wavy tail just inside the shell in the north-north-western part of NGC 7293. Image credit: NASA, NOAO,ESA, the Hubble Helix Nebula Team, M. Meixner (STScI), and T.A.Rector (NRAO). The tail points nearly radially outwards from the cen-tre of the nebula. Image size, 23′′ × 26′′. The structure of the tail is interpreted as two filaments winding around each other and closing nearthe bottom of the image. b Drawing of the knot and tail emphasizingthe twisted structure.

Below:  other examples of  Two filaments coming together, however creating a strong splitting and multiplying process to form also equal sized hotspots which seem to create also Herbig Haro systems.
( see also the Spire Eagle nebula.)


In Opposition to the  the standard model: 
Single and dual tadpole micro black holes with a Penrose-Vuyk trapped spacetime horizon able to attract and closeby repel all fermions into a pushing plasma tail of the black hole . The plasma atil is influenced by local gravitational hotspots like other micro and macro lack holes.

Tadpole Comets are mini Interference Black Holes first created as single comet leaving the star's surface.

The Helix Tadpole Comets are mini black holes or former S-Nova expelled starspot black holes, with propelling plasma tails searching for a partner to form a Herbig Haro system for a smaller ( Dark) star formation in between.
Mini Black Holes are a new type of so called interference black holes ( Q-FFF Model), expelled by a star and later coming back as comet crashing on the star forming a starspot
Below the Helix Tadpole Black Holes with propelling tails searching for an other nwit plasma bar in between.

See also Tadpoles in morion on Jupiter ( JWST)  see: at 11 hour o'çlock of the red spot.

Only ONE String Particle Seems Responsible for Everything: Matter, Dark Matter and Dark Energy

By only one rigid string, transformable by real mechanical mutual collision, seems the real universal building block for Matter, Dark Matter and Dark Energy.
"Primordial Black Holes and Dual Herbig Haro Effects for Star-Galaxy Formation"

Tadpole Comet mini black holes also former S-Nova expelled starspot black holes, with propelling plasma tails searching for a partner to form a Herbig Haro system for a smaller ( Dark) star formation in between.
Mini Black Holes are so called interference black holes expelled by a star and later coming back as comet crashed on the star forming a starspot.

Friday, August 19, 2022

The mystery of so called " X-shaped radio sources", solved as the start of star formation.

According to Q-FFF Model, We observe a cosmic turn around of two equal sized ( <15%) new physics Herbig Haro black holes or future bowshocks.
All star formation is postulated and explained by the new Q-FFF- Vuyk string model as the result of 2x Herbig Haro repelling black holes of equal size (15% differences) at the start of star formation in between these two ( mostly) small black holes.
In the early universe it is to be expected, that larger black holes even giant BHs (spitted out of the Big Bang) would do the same star forming job, but now not any more.

The origin of attraction, but also repulsion at close range of both black holes, is explained by the Penrose Vuyk "Trapped spacetime horizon", which is a combination of "Penrose trapped space horizon" with the Vuyk Fermion Repulsion horizon of all black holes and the (<15%)
MOST LIGO Black Hole mergers of the past observations is smaller than 15%.
THIS was leading to the postulate that Stars are born out of the combination of two 155 equal sized black holes forming a new Herbig Haro system with two Bow shock ( black holes) receding from each other, called SABHs ( Stellar Anchor Black Holes.)
The BHs seem to be the origin of a Plasma production ( Q-FFF Fermion horizon fermion production and repelling out of the vacuum), local vacuum polarization ( by the deformation of the Axion Tetrahedral space frame variable Planck fluxtubes) and Birkeland electric current circuits between the two negative charged SABHs and the forming positive charged star in the middle.

see: Primordial Black Holes and Dual Herbig Haro Effects for Star-Galaxy Formation

Over densities of dual Herbig Haro Hotspot bowshock black holes forming stars in between after a start as X-SHAPED RADIO SOURCE. : Carina: Dual Herbig Haro Bowshocks (former crashed comet star spots, became small Black Holes, after S-Nova Nebula explosion, propelled by plasma tails) made visible in the IR Hubble image as an overdensity of dual hotspots ( Q-FFF model.)    

Even the whirlpool galaxy shows the same structure os two arms as the former paths of the two equal sized black holes, 
However, these arms seem to show splitting smaller black holes o form stars by smaller Herbig Haro systems.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

The Ark of the Covenant and Ball Lightning micro black holes of Q-FFF Theory.

 The floating ball Lightning described at the ancient Ark of the Covenant resembles the ball lightning or high altitude Sprites and seems to be a new physics Transformer String Knot interference micro black hole. ( Penrose =Vuyk micro  black hole) see: What is Wrong with Current Physics, to Explain Ball Lightning.

High altitude Sprites: