Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Water production around NEW Paradigm Black Holes.

The first evidence that (new paradigm) black holes produce water!!
This is in line with the Q-FFF theory-hypothesis that Comets are equipped with a micro black hole nucleus as the origin of the Cometary Ice shell and x-ray radiation.
Quantum FFF theory predict that at the BH horizon Hydrogen will be produced, by the head-on collision of the oscillating massless Higgs-Vacuum particles as the origin of all the mass in the universe, contrary to mainstream Big bang theory..
An alternative Black Hole, provided with entropy decrease
and Plasma creation.


Earliest Watery Black Hole Discovered
ScienceDaily (July 22, 2011) — Water really is everywhere. A team of astronomers have found the largest and farthest reservoir of water ever detected in the universe -- discovered in the central regions of a distant quasar. Quasars contain massive black holes that are steadily consuming a surrounding disk of gas and dust; as it eats, the quasar spews out huge amounts of energy. The energy from this particular quasar was released some 12 billion years ago, only 1.6 billion years after the Big Bang and long before most of the stars in the disk of our Milky Way galaxy began forming.

Herschel confirms Enceladus as primary water supply for Saturn's atmosphere
Observing Saturn, Herschel has detected evidence of water molecules in a huge torus surrounding the planet and centred on the orbit of its small moon, Enceladus. The water plumes on Enceladus, which were detected by the Cassini-Huygens mission, inject the water into the torus and part of it eventually precipitates into Saturn's atmosphere. The new study has identified Enceladus as the primary water supply to Saturn's upper atmosphere; this is the first example in the Solar System of a moon directly influencing the atmosphere of its host planet.

Interestingly, active eruptions on moons are observed until now at Enceladus, Io, Jupiter’s moon and Triton, a moon of Neptune.
Even our own moon seem to have some volcanic activity.
Unique Volcanic Complex Discovered On Moon's Far Side.

In line with Quantum-FFF Theory, this is reason to assume that NEW PARADIGM micro black holes of different sizes could be responsible for these activities, just as is proposed for Sunspots, Comets micro, Comets on earth and Ball lightning.
It is proposed that the micro black hole nuclei of former comets are responsible for this volcanic activity inside planets and moons.

Just in line what Quantum FFF theory predicts, is now observed by Chandra: the flow of gas into the centre of a galaxy!! Which according to Q-FFF Theory doesn’t harbour a giant Black hole, but instead is the place for a so coined White or Grey hole! This is the central place between two or even more Giant Galaxy anchor Black holes, located outside the Galaxy. Cygnus A quasar,  is here the clearest example.

Chandra X-Ray Observatory Images Gas Flowing Toward Black Hole.

ScienceDaily (July 29, 2011) — The flow of hot gas toward a black hole has been clearly imaged for the first time in X-rays. The observations from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory will help tackle two of the most fundamental problems in modern astrophysics: understanding how black holes grow and how matter behaves in their intense gravity