Thursday, May 23, 2013

Summary of Experiments Related to Quantum FFF theory  

Leo Vuyk,
Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

In the past I have described several experiments in support of my Quantum FFF model. (Function Follows Form)
These experiment suggestions are described in several Vixra essays made in recent years.
In this essay I will try to present a summary of these experiments related to
Mass based Lightspeed drag, Dual Quantum Push Gravity, Magnetic Monopole Radiation, Human Consciousness, Double Stern Gerlach Entanglement and Micro Ball Lightning in the lab.   

About 20 years ago, I found several lightspeed related anomalies in well described experiments of Babcock-Bergman, Shapiro and Tae Suk Bae, which are pointing into the direction of a Local ellipsoid shaped mass related lightspeed “drag” volume around Planets and even rotating objects. Ultimately I described these anomalies in a Vixra essay called:
“Experiments to determine the mass related Lightspeed extinction volume
around the Earth and around spinning objects in the Lab.”

Later, I also described experiments about Stern Gerlach alternatives, Magnetic monopole vector field radiation, Ball lightning as micro black holes,  Multiversal based consciousness and micro Birkeland currents in the lab..

These experiments are titled and referenced as:
1: Lightspeed drag and extinction experiment inside a double mirrored fast rotating cylinder in the lab. Ref [3]
2: CHAMP-GPS satellite distance outlier measurement focused on GPS elevation angle to the earth. Ref [3]
3: Gravity drag related Lightspeed variation experiment between two balloons or satellites and the earth. Ref [3]
4: Multiverse number count by a renewed Benjamin Libet experiment focused on RPI and RPII ratio. Ref [6]
5: Double Stern-Gerlach atomic Entanglement experiment. Ref [6]
6: Double LeSage gravity experiment by a new massive oscillator. Ref [7]
7: Monopole radiation based Magnetic field experiment Ref: [7]
8: The laboratory production and exploitation of a micro black hole or ball lightning. Ref:
9: Micro Birkeland Currents Between Two RF Generated Plasma Balls in the Laboratory. Ref: [9]

[1] .
Description of Quantum-FFF theory in several essays.
[2] viXra:1102.0054.
Atomic Nuclear Geometry Based on Magic Number Logic.
[3] viXra:1102.0056
Experiments to Determine the Mass Related Lightspeed Extinction Volume Around the Earth
and Around Spinning Objects in the Lab.
[4] viXra:1103.0002
3-Dimensional String Based Alternative Particle Model.
[5] viXra:1103.0011
An Alternative Black Hole, Provided with Entropy Decrease and Plasma Creation.
[6] viXra:1103.0015
Wavefunction Collapse and Human Choice-Making Inside an Entangled Mirror Symmetrical
[7] viXra:1103.0024
Quantum Gravity and Electro Magnetic Forces in FFF-Theory.
[8] viXra:1108.0036
Artificial Ball Lightning Production and Exploitation Device for Zero Point Electric Energy
[9] viXra:1303.0053
Micro Birkeland Currents Between Two RF Generated Plasma Balls in the Laboratory.

Summary of Abstracts.

Reference 3:
Title: Experiments to Determine the Mass Related Lightspeed Extinction Volume Around the Earth and Around Spinning Objects in the Lab.

According to Einstein’s relativity theory, is the speed of light for every observer the same in all reference frames.
However, there seem to be incidental differences in the lightspeed if we observe the outliers of GPS satellite to CHAMP satellite distance measurements of 180m.
At the same time in the literature I found tiny structural but characteristic unexplained
irregularities in Planetary radar-pulse reflection measurements, made by I.I. Shapiro in 1964, between the Earth and Venus.
Both observations support the idea of the existence of ellipsoidal lightspeed extinction (or vacuum adaptation) volumes around massive objects like the earth. Such a volume I will all LASOF or Local Asymmetric Oscillating Vacuum Frame.
Other historic lightspeed experiments support the idea that all objects with mass are equipped with some extinction volume.
As a consequence I propose new triangular trajectory lightspeed comparison experiments between the earth and dual satellites or dual balloons and even in the laboratory to support these lightspeed extinction and adaptation ideas.

Reference 6:
Title: Wavefunction Collapse and Human Choice-Making Inside an Entangled Mirror Symmetrical Multiverse.

If the process of wave function collapse of two entangled particles into mirror symmetrical states, is the basic process for all created particles, then we should live inside one part of a mirror symmetrical entangled copy MULTIVERSE with one central origin.
We will give it the name: Raspberry Multiverse.
Even human choice making should be subjected to this mirror symmetrical process.
Benjamin Libet described a choice experiment, which we could use to measure how many copy universes there should be.

Reference 7:
Title: Quantum Gravity and Electro Magnetic Forces in FFF-Theory.

Quantum FFF theory states, that the vacuum is seeded with fast oscillating massless Higgs particles, oscillating along a complex chiral tetrahedral vacuum lattice, which has the ability to transfer Photon and Graviton information in bunches of oscillations, through the vacuum lattice with the local speed of light. As a consequence there are no attraction forces on propeller shaped Fermions. Only the sum of the different kinds of vacuum impulses from all directions on Fermions are responsible for all energetic phenomena in the universe.

Reference 8;
Title: Artificial Ball Lightning Production and Exploitation Device for Zero Point Electric Energy Usage.

The Form and Microstructure of elementary particles, is supposed to be the origin of Functional differences between massless Higgs- Graviton- Photon/Gluon- and spinning propeller shaped Fermion particles with mass.
In Quantum FFF Theory, Ball Lightning is assumed to represent a small scale New  Paradigm Black Hole, able to produce so called Zero Point Energy. (ZPE)
In this letter we describe a possible design for production and exploitation of such ball lightnings, based on experimental experiences with Silicon-discharge fireball examples and our proposal for a new paradigm Black Hole (or Quantum Knot) based ball lightning plasma, as a part of Quantum FFF theory.

Reference 9,
Micro Birkeland Currents Between Two RF Generated Plasma Balls in the Laboratory.

According to Quantum FFF Theory, the FORM and MICROSTRUCTURE of elementary particles, is supposed to be the origin of FUNCTIONAL differences between Higgs- Graviton- Photon- and Fermion particles. As a result, a NEW splitting, accelerating and pairing MASSLESS dual Black Hole system in space, seems to be able to convert vacuum energy (ZPE) efficiently into real electric energy by entropy decrease (nuclear electric potential) and is responsible for all dark matter in the universe. The electric energy production of Stellar Anchor Black Holes (SABHs), seem to be able to explain quick Star- and Galaxy formation, by Birkeland Currents and so called Alfven Circuits. However, smaller ( new paradigm) Black holes (created by magnetic interference and Radio Frequency currents) are supposed to be responsible for Sunspots, micro-Comets, Ball Lightning and even as multiple so called Quantum Knots inside Plasma Balls in the laboratory. It is postulated that some specific shaped singular photonic particles seem to be able to form compose complex quantum knots or micro black holes as the origin electric potentials observed inside RF generated Plasma balls and heat production inside Silicon based ball lightning experiments in the lab. Reason to describe a laboratory system, to show the possibility of Micro Birkeland current generation between RF generated plasma balls.

Some images related to Ref, 3 etc.