Tuesday, July 08, 2014

First Evidence for Evaporating Dark Matter Particles in Silicon fireballs.

Recently performed Silicon based Ball Lightning experiments done by two different
laboratories have both produced rest products in the form of Silicon globules, both with
unusual complex internal and external structures.
These Silicon globule structures show strong differences with normal Silicon matter, which
was reason to compare these complexities in detail and make suggestions for future research.
One of the clear phenomena is, that all globules show internal traces of evaporating tunnelling
energy bullets, which according to Quantum FFF theory is supposed to be a first sign of
Quantum Knots or Dark Matter particles with the characteristic of small fireballs or Ball
Lightning often observed in the natural environment..
According to Quantum FFF Theory, Black holes (micro and macro) are the origin of all
universal dark matter phenomena.
As a consequence the tunnelling energy bullets are also a first sign of microscopic Dark
Matter in the Lab.
See THIS.or THIS and some videos