Thursday, January 29, 2015

Yellow Balls, recently observed as early star forming open cluster centre.

Yellow Balls, recently observed as early star forming open cluster centre, interpreted according to Quantum FFF Theory.
Yellow Balls, (1) as intermediate phase between a Herbig Haro central star (2) and the start of an open star cluster called “Blow out cavity” bubble  (3).
for Herbig Haro systems see: THIS

This series of images show three evolutionary phases of massive star formation, as pictured in infrared images from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope. The stars start out in thick cocoon of dust (left), evolve into hotter features dubbed “yellowballs” (centre); and finally, blow out cavities in the surrounding dust and gas, resulting in green-rimmed bubbles with red centres (right). The process shown here takes roughly a million years. Even the oldest phase shown here is fairly young, as massive stars live a few million years. Eventually, the stars will migrate away from their birth clouds. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech.