Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Equivalence of acceleration and gravity and also Black hole- and Planetary gravity does not hold in Quantum FFF Theory.

Equivalence between Planetary gravity (A) and Black hole gravity (B) does not hold in Quantum FFF Theory.
A; Higgs field (Casimir) pressure (3)combined with Graviton pressure (6)
B; Black Hole gravity is only based on polarized Higgs(Casimir) prerssure (3) WITHOUT graviton pressure.

Equivalence between Planetary gravity (A) and Black hole gravity (B) does not hold in Quantum FFF Theory.
A; Higgs field (Casimir) pressure (3)combined with Graviton pressure (6)
B; Black Hole gravity is only based on polarized Higgs(Casimir) prerssure (3) WITHOUT graviton pressure.
The REPULSION ZONE  (Fermion reverse gravity) does not act on photons. 

Equivalence between gravity and acceleration does not hold in Quantum FFF Theory. 
Mass in motion needs a reference frame of a ZPE oscillating Higgs field and Lorentz polarization of conscious 
(Multiverse connected) propeller Fermions (s) to keep non accelerated flight constant.
Acceleration with 1 G does change the picture only temporarily a little bit. 
see and