Thursday, April 07, 2016

New support for Big Bang Black Hole splitting and later Central Galaxy Black Hole merging

According to Quantum FFF Theory,
Old and Young Super Massive Black Holes (SMBHs) are related respectivily to the Big Bang up to the Big Crunch
Old SMBHs are supposed to be created by the BH splitting Big Bang inflation epoch. Young SMBHs are the result of merger S-Nova black holes located in the center of galaxies, as a start of the Big Crunch.
Supermassive black holes do not form from stellar black holes.
Supermassive black holes may be lurking everywhere in the universe
Surprise discovery of 17-billion-solar-mass black hole in sparse area of local universe.

Somehow the central stars have been scared away from the center of very massive galaxies, and either were afraid to come in, or came in and got kicked out," Ma said. The stellar orbits around the center of NGC 1600 indicate the latter, which "may be support for a binary black hole formed by a merger."

Read more at:

Examples of old SABH based Herbig Haro black hole hotspots
(or bowshocks)

Examples of expelled and pairing mini black holes (starspot origin) as a base for new star/brown dwarf formations. (such as the Eagle nebula)

The cometary knots are supposed to the remnants of sunspots (star spots)
Starspots are the remnants of Comets crashed into the star.
Comets are supposed to be created by stellar magnetic interference of ball lightning -like quantum knots accelerating away from the star by zero point energy driven ion tail.

According to Quantum FFF Theory, all early Quasars  are produced by the trillions of paired electric dark matter black holes (EDMBHs) spawn by the big bang and creating early Herbig Haro objects, with star/galaxies forming in between.
The so called hotspots (often called bowshocks in HH-systems) are supposed to represent the new paradigm black holes.
The "lobes" represent plasma created directly out of the CHIRAL Higgs field by "pair production" at the black hole horizons with minimal annihilation effects, because positrons seem to be able to form positive quarks.

The plasma is pushed away from the horizons in contrast with mainstream physics.. For the chiral Higgs see: