Monday, November 14, 2016

No Inertia Effect in Dark Matter System of the Bullet Galaxy Cluster, The smaller cluster lost most of its gas and dark matter content to the larger cluster.

The smaller galaxy cluster is moving away (to the right) from the larger galaxy cluster (left) after collision. Hot gasses are left behind in between. However both dark matter systems seem to have merged and concentrate around the larger galaxy cluster. The smaller cluster lost its dark matter content to the larger cluster. 

1:Larger dark matter systems seem to be able to attract and merge smaller dark matter systems.
2: dark matter has smaller or even NO INERTIA than baryonic matter.
3: Dark matter systems tend to clumpiness and eventual decelerate smaller colliding clusters. In accord with Quantum FFF Theory.

See also:
Electric Dark Matter Black Holes Outside and Inside Galaxies possibly related to the creation and contraction of a Cyclic Universe. 

Dark matter merging dynamics of the Bullet Cluster before and after collision.
The smaller cluster (bullet) lost most dark matter content to the larger cluster.  ( A, B, C)
It is assumed that the smaller cluster will decelerate and return to merge and unite.