Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Democratic Free Will and Telepathy in the Instant Entangled Multiverse.

New Super Symmetric Cyclic Multiverse with Bang and Crunch divided into 8 or 12 Charge Parity Symmetric Copy universes.
Super Symmetry means: each particle has its instant entangled anti particle ( Charge Parity symmetric) inside the opposite anti universes.
Our world is real but non local instant entangled down to each quantum, without a so called "Cat problem".
Consciousness is to be found by the instant entanglement which has a retarded effect for intelligent species like humans. see:
Democratic Free Will and Telepathy in the Instant Entangled Multiverse. 

see also: 

ER=EPR in the Supersymmetric Cyclic Multiverse and in the lab without strange Cats
In Quantum FFF Theory, it is postulated that the Einstein Rosen (ER) “bridging wormholes” between entangled particles are the guiding channels .for Einstein Podolski and Rosen (EPR) non local entanglement even at universal distances.
So; ER=EPR in the Multiverse and in the lab My Supersymmetric Multiverse interpretation of quantum mechanics is based on the idea that NOT ALL POSSIBLE ALTERNATE HISTORIES of OUR UNIVERSE need to exist if there is instant mirror symmetrical wavefunction collapse in at least two distant (Charge and Parity) mirror symmetric universes.
Consequntly, I postulate that ALL POSSIBLE ALTERNATE HISTORIES of OUR MULTIVERSE exist because there is instant mirror symmetrical wavefunction collapse in at least two distant (Charge and Parity) mirror symmetric universes.
Then all alternate histories exist but have the same anti-copy result (inside different charged anti-copy universes).
Dual entangled Cats and anti-Cats in both universes, die or live instantly (superpositioned) without looking at them: they (the nuclear decay trigger) look to each other by long distant instant Quantum entanglement.
The Super symmetric Multiverse interpretation of quantum mechanics is also reason to introduce a different electric charged dark matter based black hole, spewed by the trillions out of the big bang and able to pair and split into Herbig Haro systems as the accelerator of star and galaxy formation.
However there are indications that small supernova black hole tend to gather in the center of galaxies not able to form Herbig Haro systems but to feed the newly formed supermassive black hole as the start of the big crunch.