Wednesday, June 06, 2018

LIGO indication of Neutron star merger without rotational strain effects.

According to Quantum FFF Theory, Black hole nuclei are not able to show inertial rotational oscillation strain in a merger process.
Recent LIGO Neutron merger signals show also a reduced comparable effect.
See also:
According to Quantum FFF Theory, Black Holes have no inertial mass, due to their non Baryonic Dark Matter Axion/Higgs content, (then no rotational strain but only nuclear particle oscillation-tension effects will take place during merging.
Black Hole merging without rotation oscillation, due to massless BH Inertia absence, according to Quantum FFF Theory. (=duration about 1 sec.)
Neutron stars however have normal baryonic mass and consequently rotational based strain effects. (=duration about 30 sec )
The difference in duration (30 1 sec.) is supposed to be originated by the fast transformation of massive Neutrons into massless Axion Higgs nuclear particles of the newly formed black hole during the merging process..
see also:

Ball lightning could be described as the smallest Axion-Higgs based electric dark matter black hole ( or rigid string based quantum knot) with an external negative charge. (below)

For micro electric dark matter black holes or ball lightning,  originated by X-ray or Em interference in silicon crystals: