Testing Proposals for Human Free Will in the Raspberry Multiverse, Local Entanglement and M&M lightspeed.
see: http://vixra.org/pdf/1811.0125v1.pdf
According to Quantum FFF Theory, (Function Follows Form) the process of wave function collapse of two entangled particles into mirror symmetrical states, is the basic process for all created particles. As a consequence, we should live inside one part of a mirror Charge-Parity-symmetrical entangled copy MULTIVERSE with one central origin the big bang.
We will give it the name: Raspberry Multiverse.
Even human choice making should be subjected to this mirror symmetrical process. Benjamin Libet described a choice experiment, which we could use to measure how many copy universes there should be.
At the smaller scale however, we observe also entanglement effects between particles.
Einstein called them “spooky action at a distance”, which he did not like and suggested a different explanation called “Hidden Variables”.
However I present here a support for the spooky faster than light entanglement explanation, based on an extended Stern Gerlach experiment, in line with J.S Bell’s arguments about a strange aspect of the original experiment.
That even the lightspeed constancy theory should be adapted, by a different Michelson Morley experiment seems to be a logic result of the Quantum FFF Model.