Friday, April 05, 2019

The Origin of Star Formation by Pairing and Splitting Herbig Haro Black Holes

The Origin of Star Formation by Two Equal sized (new physics) Black Holes, repelled from each other to form two Bowshocks with star formation in between.
Example of NGC 326: The Repelling of Two Equal sized Black Holes as the formation of a Herbig Haro Bowshock system, . According to Quantum FFF Theory.

(New Physics: Equal sized Black Holes repel each other from a certain distance. Different sized BHs Merge or split each other.  see also:   )

M87 Black Hole plasma gas trajectories.

Baby Stars with Planet formation in between Different Charged Plasma Rings.
According to Quantum FFF Theory, propeller shaped stringy Fermions are repelled from a black hole at  a certain distance forming different charged rings of plasma, with Planets in between. see: HD 163296 and HL Tauri.

See also: The origin of universal structure: by pairing and splitting black holes.