Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Why is the Nightsky Black? and what is the Origin of Hubble Redshift

Why the Nightsky is Black?  Most light is consumed by all Black Holes Sprinkled around most Galaxies
At the same time, all these black holes should be responsible for the HUBBLE REDSHIFT, which increases at longer distance by that cumulative black hole absorbation effect of Photons including the oscillating dark energy based Quantum Vacuum itself.
The consumption of the vacuum by the growing black hole influence should count as the origin of the Big Crunch.
The decreasing pressure of the vacuum onto the Big Crunch Black Hole however should lead to the Big Bang again. (see poster below)
See also youtube for the relation between Hubble redshift and Dark Night Sky:

see: Dipole Repeller Gravity Effects at Different Universal Scales as the Origin of Large Scale and Local Quantum Gravity and Hubble Redshift.

According to Quantum FFF Theory, the Big Bang was the explosion of a Dark Matter String Black Hole Nucleus, formerly acting as Big Crunch of a former Multiverse, compacted by the pressure of the oscillating Axion-Higgs string vacuum.

My proposal: The constant growing number of Dark Matte Black Holes in and mostly around galaxies is the origin of the contraction of the universe, and the Black Nightsky.

Older Hubble redshift essays:
see also: Olbers paradox.

Example of an historic representation of a Holographic mirror SuSy multiverse.Alice in Wonderland. by Lewis Caroll.