Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Our complex way to make a golf swing, by readiness potentials RP I and RP II.

RP 1 seems super deterministic (not Free) by the MWI pinball Machine effect on quantum jumps..
RP II Is clearly needed as the real FREE Veto for all our decisions.
The quantum world is fully deterministic based on quantum Jumps:  God plays dice indeed with the universe !
However living creatures are able to influence initiatives ( RP I) by Veto actions ( RP II) at all levels of consciousness.
see also Backreaction: http://backreaction.blogspot.com/2019/07/the-forgotten-solution-superdeterminism.html
Golf Training by Multiverse Readiness Potential Interference for Approve or Veto a Golf swing.
Free Will by several interfering Free Veto levels before (Golfing) Action.
Readiness Potential RP I, initiative in one Universe has to be INSTANTLY vetoed or approved by its anti copy Golfer persons living far away inside the entangled copy universes: .7x OR 11x?  see: