Friday, October 18, 2019

Dual X-ray Herbig Haro Black Holes in the Young Universe

See Dual lensed x-ray image ( 1 and 2) below..
see also:  HERE

Dual x-ray Herbig Haro black holes in the young universe are explained in Quantum FFF Theory, see below:

The proof of the pudding on Herbig Haro black holes , below:

Evidence for a Fermion Repelling New Physics Black Hole inside Herbig Haro (HH34) Bowshock ! Outflow Velocity differences between the leading black hole and the secundary Fermion plasma hotspots are the indication,  according to Q-FFF Theory.
The black hole (O) has the smallest relative velocity.    Conclusion: Secondary Fermionic plasma hotspots are repelled ! As predicted! see below.and: