Monday, October 14, 2019

Golden Ratio could be originated by a 12 fold Icosahedron Multiverse consciousness.

In all artistic reviews, the Golden Mean or Golden Ratio seems to be accepted as paramount.
It is well known that the regular PENTAGON can be divided by diagonals with a Golden ratio to the regular sides. 
Surprisingly the ICOSAHEDRON is filled up with regular pentagons. ( see images)
According to Q-FFF Theory, the most logic multiverse composition could be a 12 fold cube octahedron, because by the fully symmetrical opposing composition between entangled anti matter and material universes.
However, Also logic could be a composition with a structural golden ration or golden mean for the mutual universal bubble distances observed in the Icosahedron composition of 12 universes..
see also:
Free Will Readiness Potential Ratios, the Key for a Multiverse Number Calculation.