Sunday, December 22, 2019

MEERKAT MAJOR PROOF of HH Black hole Spitting Big Bang.

Eureka moment; !!!!!! look at All dual hotspots sometimes with a third hotspot in between. ( A Young star ) This is a major support for my Q,,FFF Theory based Herbig Haro dual black hole Spitting BIG BANG ! See also in my book. "Rigid Transformer Strings .". The Biggest Blunder in Astrophisics of the past. (The non recognition of-) Herbig Haro dual bowshock black holes and starspot- micro inteference black hole based Bok Globules.
Accordingen to Q-FFF Theory all black holes repel fermions which change into jets. They eat however the vacuĆ¼m and smaller BHs.

Thousands Galaxies MeerKAT Radio Telescope Array Image