Thursday, January 09, 2020

Herbig Haros on a string in the Lagoon Nebula

Herbig Haros on a string, by the Repeating of pairing and splitting process, by pushing and guiding plasma tails, creating bar and later star in between, by so called combined Vacuum Electro Magnetic Pinching.  
Look for the Herbig Haro Dual- and Triple hotspots (2x Black holes with(out) star) in the Lagoon Nebula.
see: The Origin of Universal Structure: Herbig Haro -Electric Dark Matter Black Hole- Systems.  or: THIS 

Magic of Herbig Haro Strings created by new physics dual black hole pairing and splitting process, pushed by plasma tail. (Fermions are repelled by small black holes according to Quantum FFF Theory.

Below:  Bouncing and Splitting equal sized black holes with Herbig Haro String potential..