Monday, April 27, 2020

New Physics EM Drive Space Thrusters without Lorentz reaction force and Fermion Crushing using monopole B field interference.

The electromagnetic field around a direct current in a wire and the so called Lorentz force, has always been questioned by me and others about the microscopic visualization of individual (string) particle physics. (figure 1)
Now I present my view on EM space flight and Fermion Crushing or Fermion Evaporation based on kitchen table experiments and my Q-FFF Rigid Transformer String Theory.
For Fermion crushing by focused B-fields at the end of solenoids can use direct- or alternative currents, due to both interference field symmetries.
1, for a Tubular Dual Coaxial Solenoid, 
2, for a Triple Coaxial Tesla Pancake Coil. (Trifilar coil)

Hardware: Dual coaxial Solenoids or Trifilar Tesla coils for Lorentz EM Thruster Levitation effect.
Standard Physics 1:   “Lorentz force” perpendicular to the magnetic field lines created by a direct current in the magnetic field.
Standard physics 2: Magnetic “B field” outside a long solenoid, shows a strong field reduction down to zero (called a B- field) and can be used for Lorentz force based levitation without the usual EM  (Electro Magnetic) reaction force.  (According to Q-FFF Theory)
Several configurations for effective EM thruster levitation without reaction force are possible like a dual coaxial solenoid , or in the form of a so called Trifilar Tesla coil. .

The origin of both EM Drives  is based on the EM B-field effects.
The origin of all B field effects (or anti Maxwell dipping zones) is postulated to be created by the microscopic interference of dual magnetic monopole field trajectories of North and South monopole photons.
The so called tubular shaped Anti Maxwell field dip (B field ) around a direct current in a wire is a second example of the monopole interference predicted by Quantum FFF Theory rigid string model. See poster. (Figure 1).
Future experiments should be able to create alternative configurations  Monopole interference based B field phenomena.

Evidence for triangle shaped Fermion- Evaporation / Crushing surfaces in Angouleme (France) ancient quarry.

Evidence for Ancient Stone Block Cutting by focussed new physics B-Field of electric dual concentral solenoids without chisels. (Angouleme France)  See Quantum FFF Theory.