Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The Mirror Symmetric Multiverse is reflective with Fermion Propeller Repelling Black Holes.

 The Theory of Everything needs a Mirror Multiverse.

We humans even photons are entangled reflections from far away, in the mirror symmetric Multiverse. The Base for the Ultimate Theory of Everything (TOE) is the reflective entangled multiverse supported by: John Cramer's TI is the same as CP (Charge Parity) symmetric multiverse entanglement. 
see: https://vixra.org/pdf/2010.0161v1.pdf  

The fermion repelling string black hole, by the spaceframe concentration horizon acting as a globular particle collider (red) 

The pair production at the globular particle collider around a black hole and Big Bang effects around primary BB splittet string black holes..