Dual Black Hole Herbig Haro systems are the first matter creators after the big bang, out of the String vacuum.
Herbig Haro plasma jets are NOT formed by young stars but the other way around.
Surprize: Plasma clouds and stars are formed by dual Herbig Haro bow shock Black Holes.
2; Black Holes are the creators of all Fermions in the universe after the big bang.
3: Black Holes are Pushed by these fermion tails against the local gravity or (stellar) wind. Starspots are small black holes and accelerate by tails away from the Nova gravity center forming a fire ring of the nebula.
4e Black Holes of equal size repel each other by so called plasma BARs and form so called Herbig Haro (HH) Bowshocks.
3: Black Holes are Pushed by these fermion tails against the local gravity or (stellar) wind. Starspots are small black holes and accelerate by tails away from the Nova gravity center forming a fire ring of the nebula.
4e Black Holes of equal size repel each other by so called plasma BARs and form so called Herbig Haro (HH) Bowshocks.
Dual Hotspots (BHs) and NO young stars in the MW center by disrupted Herbig Haro systems.
Meerkat observation of the Milky Way center: even with dual BHs
(Above) Single plasma jets left behind by dual hotspot black holes, both travelling to the merging central black Hole.
(Below): The result: Few new stars (Cepheids) in the MW center.
In contrast a dense Cepheid ring around the center is formed, of HH stars able to resist the attraction of the center. Black hole. (below)