Tuesday, January 19, 2021

ASASSN-14ko, is NOT a flaring super nova, but a NEW physics Black Hole like Q-FFF Theory.

Astronomers once thought that ASASSN-14ko, was a flaring super nova.
However it seems a regular flaring star, orbiting the supermassive central galaxy black hole, flaring each 114 days by DITCHING at some repelling black hole horizon.
Conclusion: a supermassive black hole gives off bursts of energy every 114 days as it tears off chunks of an orbiting star.
Which is a support for the (new physic) fermion repelling black hole horizon of tne new Q-FFF Theory.
Even S.Hawking did suggest and recently R Penrose suggested a new black hole horizon. see:
Plasma Production out of the Vacuum by Axion String Collision around each Black Hole at the Penrose Trapped Space Surface.
and: https://carnegiescience.edu/news/mistaken-identity-presumed-supernova-actually-something-much-rarer?fbclid=IwAR27ozSz9vkM_HIJoxh4i70J1lltfe9Zoi8MJFv9Ncpz50uM0cfn3aK5pAI 
ASASSN-14ko, with flaring star ditching the central Black Hole every 114 days.

A second example of Fermion repelling Black Holes of different merger galaxies

Evidence for a new micro dark matter black hole: hairy gravity.(NASA)