Wednesday, June 09, 2021

A TOE: Theory Of Everything by Q-FFF Theory, violating the 2e law of thermodynamics by a new Penrose Trapped space Black Hole Horizon

Quantum Function Follows Form (Q-FFF) of compound strings Theory, postulate a Charge Parity (CP) mirror Symmetric Multiverse, formed like a raspberry with the Cyclic Big Bang location in the middle.
It is called the Raspberry Multiverse, already cyclic from the Big Bang,
ER=EPR, Einstein Rosen Bridges equals Einstein Podolsky Rosen entanglement as the base for uncertainty and symmetry, (without Schrodinger Cat problems)
1: The raspberry multiverse is equipped with wormhole entanglement between every mirror symmetric raspberry universe bubble and even between each micro copy particle , the origin of consciousness and uncertainty. (ER bridge=EPR experiment)
2: The particle ER entanglement bridge between mirror copy particles at long distance between mirror copy universe shows two variable retardation of firing ( in 11 dimensional human brains) called Readiness Potential I or II and measured by Benjamin Libet.
3: The propeller shaped Fermion strings ( most compound strings) are repelled and even created by vacuum string collision at the light horizon of all black holes. see:
"The Cyclic Undivided Raspberry Multiverse".
and: Apparent Violation of the Second Law, Around Black Hole Nuclei and Other Quantum Knots.