Saturday, March 19, 2022

Brown Dwarfs seem to be ejected from the sun by its growing effect.

 Brown Dwarfs seem to be ejected from the sun by its growing process due to internal plasma (water) producing sunspot black holes. ( Q-FFF Model.) see also: Expanding Earth, by Growing Water based Crashed Comet core.  and:

What is the 3D internal distribution of sunspots?  see:

The largest sunspot black holes are expected to locate at the inside of the sun at the top of  two opposing  cone shapes with the top at the solar center.  
The two cones seem to oscillate with an 11  year period due to a postulated  11 year oscillation between the two SABHs ( Stellar Anchor black holes.)
The Gravity effect of these sunspot black holes called gravity spikes , is also observed by satellites. (below)