Tuesday, July 05, 2022

13 Q-FFF suggestions for new String Physics.

13 reasons why Entangled Transformer Strings are the summit of physics research called Q-FFF Theory: Function Follows Form

Einstein's  suggestion: That It should be possible to explain the laws of physics to a barmaid.

1: Is Gravity an attraction force or a repelling oscillating Axion vacuum force? ( a Dual Opposing repeller force)
2: 2: Has a Black Hole Mass like all Fermions, or is it massless? (No:  massless)
3: Can a Black hole repel all Fermion matter and guiding all Plasma it into two opposing plasma jets (Yes)
4: Are equal sized Black holes unable to merge if they have a smaller ratio than < 15%? (proved by LIGO) and form "Herbig Haro" systems creating stars/ galaxies in the middle? (Yes)
5: Is Ball Lightning related to, Comets, Starspots, Ball Lightning, and the heat of Volcanos from crashed Comets . (Yes)
6: Is consciousness only related to living things? or even for a stone by an entangled murror multiverse.? (to the Entangled Mirror Multiverse)
7: Is consciousness only possible between two or more entangled particles ? even at giant distances between mirror copy universes? (Yes)
8: Are humans at the top of a so called growing moral consciousness or some animals? (humans)
9: Are Benjamin Libet and John Cramer ideas responsible for a new physics  (see 7,8,9,10 before)?
10, Was the Singularity Big Bang a small Dark Matter Black Hole and Axion particle vacuum spitting nucleus, able to become unstable after the decreasing vacuum pressure of a consumed old multiverse vacuum. to explode again as Big Bang? as Q-FFF says? (You got it)
11: What is mass or Lorentz Fitzgerald polarization? a Fermion pear form deformation? a Fermion Globule deformation into a pear form by the vacuum resistance, combined with push vacuum from the backside. ( Indeed; Alcubiere support)
12, What is the nucleus of a Black Hole? a bunch of Strings compacted by the oscillating string vacuum? (Yes)
13, Has each Axion Stransformer String the same ring shape?, however All Other particles are based on transformed Axions by internal rotation by collision effects?
See also: What is Wrong with Current Physics, to Explain Ball Lightning

((This is an extra Q-FFF particle addition))

2: Has a Black Hole Mass like all Fermions, or is it massless?

3: Can a Black hole consume all matter or repel all matter and guiding it into two opposing plasma jets?

4: Are equal sized Black holes unable to merge if they have a smaller ratio than < 15%? (proved by LIGO) and form "Herbig Haro" systems creating stars/ galaxies in the middle?

5: Is Ball Lightning related to, Comets, Starspots, the heat of Volcanos etc. ?

6: Is consciousness only related to living things? or even for a stone entangled by the multiverse.?

7: Is consciousness only possible between two or more entangled particles ? even at giant distances between mirror copy universes?

8: Are humans at the top of growing moral consciousness or some animals?

9: Are Benjamin Libet and John Cramer responsible for a new physics of 6,7 and 8?

10, Was the Singularity Big Bang a small Dark Matter Black Hole and Axion particle vacuum spitting nucleus, able to become unstable after the decreasing vacuum pressure of a consumed former multiverse vacuum.? as Q-FFF says?

11: What is mass or Lorentz Fitzgerald polarization? a Fermion pear form deformation?

12, What is the nucleus of a Black Hole? a bunch of Strings compacted by the oscillating string vacuum?

13, Is each Stransformer String the same, however transformed by collision effects?

See also: What is Wrong with Current Physics, to Explain Ball Lightning