Thursday, July 28, 2022

Dinosaurus extinction by: Growing Earth and Gravity by adding multi Comet water.

Dinosaurus extinction by:      Expanding Earth, by Growing Water based Crashed Comet core.
see also below: a still and  vieo: The small Dinosaurus Earth before water and gravity is added by crashing icy comets and growing the earth.(Q-FFF Model)
See NO ICE at the poles means a hotter earth? 
Second suggestion: hotter and closer orbit to the sun?

How Can ? by multiple crashed ice comets before the Dino era. the internal earth blew up by these hot water producing comets with a ( new physics) black hole nucleus 
(the Penrose- Q-FFF Nucleus).

Below, The Penrose-Q-FFF Model Black Hole, repelling Fermions created out of the Axion string vacuum.

However, we also need a new standard transformer rigid string model as below.

An other example of dual equal hotspot or Herbig Haro bowshocks for star formation in between.

How micro black holes travel as so called "Tadpoles" through space searching for a smaller partner to eat or a bigger to merge. However if the two are equal (with a < 15% ration) then they form a Herbig Haro system to form stars in the middle.