Monday, July 11, 2022

What we know about black holes and what NOT !!

 It was Roger Penrose who found out the so called TRAPPED SPACETIME HORIZON around each black hole!! WHICH WILL CHANGE THE STANDARD MODEL.

It was the Q-FFF model that suggested the Axion vacuum should be interpreted as a SPACE FRAME of Axion particles oscillating through fluxtubes connected by nodes at a variable Planck distance, if located in the neighborhood of mass or black holes.  

The consequences are large for the standard model if particles QUARKS AND LEPTONS are designed to be compounds of smaller particles called transformable strings.

The Penrose Horizon:

The Q_FFF model equipped with the new Fermion repelling effect.

The Q-FFF effect for star creation out of the Axion vacuum between two equal black holes (<15%) forming Herbig Haro "Bow shocks".

The first Herbig Haro dual bowshock presentation by Halton Arp: