Thursday, August 11, 2022

NEW: Multiple Unexplained Dual and Triple Equal Sized Herbig Haro Hotspots

New: Multiple Unexplained Dual and Triple Equal Sized Hotspots mostly in line and close with each other. 
However, according Q-FFF Theory, now for the first time explained as Herbig Haro bowshock hotspots, created by NEW Penrose-Vuyk equal sized black hole horizons called "Trapped Colliding Space Horizon" colliding Axion vacuum particles into pairs able to form plasma negative charged at the outside and positive charged at the inside of the globular horizon, due to the chirality of the space structure in our matter based universe (with right hand chirality)
The start of a new physics.
see: "The New Penrose-Vuyk Black Hole, Based on a Compact String Nucleus."

The new example of self regulating and growing stellar systems.
see also:  The Self Organizing Universe in three different Nebula systems.
So there are gravity created black holes ( merger- S-Nova and Big Bang splinters) and string photon interference black holes (like Sunspots, Comets, Sprites, Tadpoles and ball lightning.)