Monday, August 15, 2022

Splitting Big Bang Black Holes and even Starspots expelled by S-Novas seem to create new families of stars.

Black holes of all Universal scales seem to be determinant, shaping the universe, from early Big Bang black holes (M74)  up to expelled Starspots to Tadpoles. 

 See how expelled starspots ( mini black holes or Tadpoles) creating plasma ( in tails) dust until they form a Herbig Haro system with a new star ( Starforge, by vacuum polarization in the middle. ) So they seem able to meet two by two and form new smaller stars.

M74 Splitting (New Penrose Trapped Space) black holes for a new BH star forming system ( Herbig Haro) . BHs are assumed to travel by pushing and trailing self produced plasma tails,out of the Axion vacuum (A) meeting opposing black holes (B) leaving behind anti clockwise plasma streams between the main arms, forming Herbig Haro systems (according Q-FFF Theory).
After the Black Hole spitting Big Bang. equal sized black hole seem to make Herbig Haro systems ( Bow shocks BHs) even between the main arms of dual BH spirals.