Wednesday, September 07, 2022

Wal Thornhill: JWST – Twisted Pairs & Braids Everywhere | Thunderbolts

New Law:  Trapped Spacetime Horizons (Penrose) around micro and macro Black Holes create and repel new Fermions (gas) out of the transformable Vacuum Strings by mutual collision at the trapped Horizon, (Leo Vuyk: Q-FFF Model)       
Below: S-Nova ejected Starspots are Magnetic interference micro Black Holes, two by two creating new Herbig Haro star forming systems connected by dual Plasma Jets and Birkeland Circuits or twisted Filaments.        
see: also: Wal Thornhill: JWST – Twisted Pairs & Braids Everywhere | Thunderbolts

Twisted Filaments and Braids. (Wal Thornhill)

NEW Penrose-Vuyk Black Holes everywhere in the Galaxy.
Just like the Stephan's Quintet.