Tuesday, October 04, 2022

THE ORIGIN OF A GROWING WATER CORE OF OUR EARTH by former crashed Water/Ice Comet micro black holes

see: What Is The Huge Ocean Near Earth’s Core Discovered By Scientists? Here’s What Experts Say.
It seems to be one of the multiple indications that Comets are peculiar things creating water by itself, just l;ike sprites or Ball Lightning from space.
Q-FFF Theory says: Comets are new physics micro black holes with a string knot nucleus.
For Growing Comets see: https://vixra.org/pdf/1806.0298v1.pdf
The origin: A blue crystal of ringwoodite containing around one percent of H2O in its crystal structure at high pressure.

The early compact Earth.

Even Sprite ball Lightning could be ice forming micro comets crashing to earth.  Also:  Plasma production by micro Black Holes out of the virtual vacuum particles. (Axions)

Comet 67P GC, fluffy ice interior.

Icy fluffy Interior, by micro black hole ice production.

Comet Schoemaker-Levi 9 Jupiter crash 1994.
, with splitting multiple hot micro black hole interior.

Even micro black hole Tadpoles, can split into multiple smaller Tadpoles/ in space.

How micro black holes create plasma / ice shells.

Starspot micro Black Holes.