What kind of new outside it would be?
see his youtube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXgqik6HXc0
My suggestion: you need the CPT symmetric Multiverse.
It seems Instant ENTANGLEMENT ! WITH ONE- OR MORE COPY BRAINS outside our own universe.
This seems only possible with copy symmetric multiverses like Q-FFF Theory suggests.
see; A Consciousness Theory of Everything based on Rigid Transformable Strings, Instantly Entangled Between 8 or 12 CP Symmetric Universal Bubbles.
Notonly consciousness but also the double slit experiment shows support !!
see: : Bohmian Double Slit Interpretation by Dual Entangled Universes, and the Benjamin Libet experiment.
and: The Conscious Undivided Multiverse,
and: The Conscious Readiness Potential Ratio Multiverse with Transactional Interpretation of J. Cramer. see: https://vixra.org/pdf/1907.0250v3.pdf