What we observe is the more complexity, such as virtual Axion vacuum relation of all Dark Matter Black Holes down to Ball Lightning nano black holes.
S. Hawking discovered:Black body radiation that is theorized to be released outside a black hole's event horizon because of relativistic quantum effects.
For Q-FFF see: What is Wrong with Current Physics
R. Penrose described:
The Trapped space surface around each black hole.
For Q-FFF the Model see:
Charged Plasma Production out of the Vacuum by Axion String Collision around each Black Hole at the Penrose Trapped Space Surface.
and: Electric Birkeland Current Production Between Two Herbig Haro Black Holes or even Stable Ball Lightnings on Earth.
and more: https://vixra.org/author/leo_vuyk
J. Bell suggested, the Lorentz Fidgerald contraction is real;
That all fermions will decrease in length parallel to the direction of acceleration in space.
For Q-FFF see: John S. Bell Was Right: “How to Teach Special Relativity” and Atomic Pear Shaped Contraction.
B. Libet measured:
The different times of Readiness Potential between test persons, related to the free will to decide for an urge.
For Q-FFF see: Bohmian Double Slit Interpretation by Dual Entangled Universes, and the Benjamin Libet experiment.
J. Cramer suggested:
The Transactional Interpretation collapse of the wavefunction between distant particles in space
For Q-FFF, see: The Conscious Readiness Potential Ratio Multiverse with Transactional Interpretation of J. Cramer.
For Q-FFF; The Multiverse as solution for a distant Spooky at a distance or Transactional Interpretation.
For the combination history see::