This video tell us that we live inside a layered multivers which has birth or creation preservation and destruction endless after each other.
So After a big crunch, to a single point we will see the birth a new layered multivers which will dye again.
However the multiverse we live in now is described as being 7 upper world (THE HEAVENS) with an underworld (THE HELL).
WHICH IS NOT the basic suggestion of Q-FFF theory, saying that each of the 8 or12-14 multiverses is the same but a mirror of each other in electric Charge Parity and Time. see:
"Free Will Readiness Potential Ratios, the Key for a Multiverse Number Calculation."
We can learn about the number of mirror universes by measurement of the Readiness Potential statistics (about the same as B.Libet did) which should be made as soon as possible to learn about the number of multiverses. as addition to our understanding of consciousness.