Ultra Cold Dark Matter Black Hole and Dark Energy String Knot Big Bang, warming up around the Penrose Trapped Space Collision Horizon of single- and dual Dual Herbig Haro Tadpole Black Holes, able to form Stars and Galaxies in between.
Ultra Cold Dark Matter Black Hole and Dark Energy String Knot Big Bang, warming up by Tadpole Black Holes.
The Entangled 12x Raspberry Multiverse:
The Q-FFF model difference between the Hand of God and Cassiopeia A Nebula.
The Q-FFF model difference between Neutron star and Black hole Nebula production of supernoavae explosions.
1: The Black Hole has gone and left the center by its new phsics pushing tadpole plasma tail (Q-FFF model)
2: the Neutron star is stil observable at its original place.(see Hand of god)
3: the Knots/ Clumps related to tendrils or gas tails, are assumed to be self propelled former Starspot black holes or; Tadpoles (Q-FFF model) searching for an equal sized partner to form Herbig Haro star forming systems.