Saturday, July 29, 2023

A Big Bang/Big Crunch Black Hole is a small String Globule compressed by the decreasing respectively increasing pressure of the local absorbed string vacuum.

 A Big Bang/Big Crunch  Black Hole is a small String Globule compressed by the decreasing respectively increasing pressure of the absorbed string vacuum.

A White Hole is a diluted vacuum hole ( with the least local vacuum pressure) in the oscillating String vacuum between 2 or more black holes to form a star or Galaxy, able to catch a black hole by the decreased local  vacuum pressure.  (Q-FFF Theory)

Conclusion: The well known central Galaxy black hole seems to be interchanged at the white hole location of the first Galaxy.

The magic of Galaxy formation via a SuperNova Nabula between two SABHs (Stellar Anchor Black holes, with central white hole / black hole in the middle.