Monday, September 25, 2023

James Webb just Found a Supernova That Could Break the Laws of Physics, and solve the Hubble Tension, Just according to Q-FFF Theory.

According to Q-FFF Theory, 
The origin of the Hubble tension between 68 and 76 km/sec. speed.
is assumed to be the combination of tired light by the vacuum black hole absorption and lensing along the photon way, so the density of the vacuum. and the expansion of the balloon having more speed at the balloon rim, than in the middle of the universal bubble balloon.
Hubble Redshift combined with Universal Contraction is possible

A current status of the Hubble-Lemâıtre tension in early 2021. The black diamond error bars show the CMB measurements from WMAP, Planck, and SPT-3G, the blue square error bars show the distance ladder (DL) measurements based on cepheids, and the red triangle error bars show the DL measurements of H0 based on the tip of the red giant branch (TRGB). Collapse..