Saturday, September 30, 2023

(Un) explained Radio Structure Found, They Named It...Sauron and ORCs.

(Un?) explained Radio Structure Found, They Named It...Sauron and ORCs.
According to Q-FFF Theory, the OrC system is assumed to be a perpendicular merged Herbig Haro system with two perpendicular Birkeland Current systems based on 4x negative charged Herbig Haro Galaxy Black Holes. (GABHs)

ORC= 4x GABH ( Galaxy Anchor Black Hole based Herbig Haro systems)

see: Q-FFF Theory of Everything seems to be based on simple Rigid-Transformer Strings into Knots of Dark Matter Black Holes.
Penrose Trapped surface of the Black Hole creating Fermion pairs out of the stringy Axion Vacuum by collision into 2x repelled charged Fermion layers, negative charged at the outside.