Sunday, October 15, 2023

Quasar Black Holes Found inside Starclusters like Omega Centauri. An evidense for the exploding Black Hole Big Bang into smaller chunks black holes.

 Quasar Black holes found inside Starclusters like Omega Centauri. Also:  A New Physics Black Hole (Penrose-Q-FFF) inside the Omega Centauri  Globular Cluster being one of the Dual  Galaxy Anchor Black Holes. (GABHs-Q-FFF)  see:  and:

Dual Quasar Black Holes are assumed to be the dual Herbig Haro bowshock black holes flying away from each other to form two new physics GABHs (Galaxy Anchor Black Holes)

see: Primordial Black Holes and Dual Herbig Haro Effects for Star-Galaxy Formation.
and: What is Wrong with Current Physics to Explain Ball Lightning

However, the extra evidence for a super black hole inside the Starspot center, is the overwhelmng of stellar light, found n the center, created by the super close Lensing effect of the super Black Hole.
Secondly, in the future the diameter of the light horizon of the central lensing Black Hole, should become clear.

The Globular starcluster configuration becomes more complex after the merging of smaller Galaxies with the original galaxy.

How equal sized black holes form Stars:  by dual repelling Herbig Haro bowshock black holes also observed as Early Dual Quasar Black Holes.