Sunday, October 22, 2023

Some recent JWST/Hubble/Gaia and Penrose-Q-FFF effects on Cosmology.

 NEW: Black Holes, Swallow The Vacuum But Repel- and Convert the virtual Axion Vacuum at the Penrose “Trapped Space” Collision Horizon into Real charged Fermion Plasma.

 New Physics is postulated by the Q-FFF model based on logic geometrical ideas of Transformer Strings and the latest JWST/Hubble/Gaia observations.

(FFF=Function Follows Form at the smallest scale)

First the most important outcome is, that a planned  Particle Collider (like of CERN) seems not needed.

Because black holes do swallow only smaller black holes (LIGO. With >15% difference) and the virtual string vacuum, but black holes do not swallow equal sized black holes (making: Herbig Haro systems) Baryonic matter in contrast with standard physics .

All black holes will repel normal matter due to its Trapped space horizon as the origin for the matter repulsion horizon combined with the propeller shape of all Fermions.

Indeed Larger black holes eat smaller ones, as the base for the future Big Crunch.

In contrast, equal sized black holes repel each other to create Herbig Haros forming “bow shocks" and Stars in the middle connected by electric Birkeland jet based current circuits.

Black Holes are made of a Dark Matter compact String nucleus equipped with a Penrose “Trapped Space Horizon.” Which is transforming the colliding opposing virtual vacuum particles into real particles.

This black hole vacuum collider seems an effective creator of real particle pairs forming charged Quarks and Leptons. Positrons inside and Electrons at the outside of the horizon, the origin of Birkeland currents.

As a result, such a new electric Dark Matter String Nucleus Black Hole seems a charge splitting plasma producer, outside the “trapped Fermion Repelling Horizon” (Penrose-Q-FFF Theory).
see also: LQG Quasars by R.Clowes in the early universe. 
TWO or THREE Large Quasar Groups (LQGs) located at the start of two or three Lyman Alpha systems and a part of the Raspberry Multiverse?

Figure A.

The Benjamin Libet Consciousness 

The Benjamin Libet (Neuro-scientist) discovery of two different Readiness Potentials (RPI and RPII) and the potential to VETO an act, is reason to suggest the presence of a Super Symmetric multiverse with instant entanglement down to each copy- quantum and  wavefunction.

So we seem to have multiple copy persons helping our “Free” will.

However, Libet did not Notice, because he (or his successors) did not measure the ratio between RPI and RPII , as a base for the total number of SuSy Universes.

At the same time John G. Cramer proposed a parallel Transactional Interpretation (T.I.) as so called “Handshake system” responsible for entanglement and wavefunction collapse processes between anti copy systems between copy universes.

However If we take such a handshake system as functional for

each (anti- or  material) copy quantum, living inside one of the

entangled anti copy universal bubbles, then we may accept it as the start for NEW REALITY in PHYSICS.


 Figure B


Figure C

Figure D  External and Internal Starcluster black holes called GABH Galaxy Anchor Black Holes.

Figure E

Figure F


Figure G

Figure H

Figure I Even Star spots are inside the Stringy black hole family.below.

Figure J


The Ultimate Topological Entangled String Model of the Universe.



                      By Leo Vuyk



See also: Primordial Black Holes and Dual Herbig Haro Effects for Star-Galaxy Formation.

and: What is Wrong with Current Physics to Explain Ball Lightning




In Quantum FFF Theory, Fermions are supposed to be small rigid transformer strings with a propeller shape, able to become compound particles with photons, to form Quarks. Different elementary particles have different qualities by their different complex stringy shape.

Leptons and Quarks have a propeller shape with left or right handed pitch creating charge difference. Gluons, Photons and Neutrino particles have no comparable pitch.

The rigid FORM and Microstructure of elementary particles (rigid strings), is supposed to be the origin of functional differences between Higgs- Graviton- Photon- and Fermion particles.

As a consequence, a new splitting, accelerating and pairing new paradigm Dark Matter Black Hole, (DMBH) seem to be able to convert vacuum particle energy (ZPE) into real plasma which could explain quick Galaxy- and Star formation, by so called Galaxy- or Stellar Anchor Black Holes (GABHs respectively SABHs).

These Anchor Black Holes can be observed as Herbig Haro ( HH) Hotspots or Bow shocks.

Recent observation of two High Energy Cosmic Ray Hotspots, (HECRHs) at solar polar locations, ( Big Dipper and Southern cross) is reason to assume in accord with new physics of Quantum FFF Theory, that these hotspots represents the locations of our Solar Anchor Black Hole (the North-and South SABHs).

At the same time in the Quantum FFF model, it is proposed that early Galaxies also are created by dual black hole ( HH) systems being former Big Bang black hole splintered primordial dark matter black holes.

They will be called Galaxy Anchor Black Holes ( GABHs) As a consequence, the standard Hot Big Bang with Hot plasma and Hydrogen as the base for everything has to be rejected.

Recent observation of a faint galaxy without a dark matter content (NGC 1052 DF2) seems to be created by the star forming capacity even by triple pairing dark matter black hole nuclei, located in the center of the surrounding globular star clusters assumed to have a triangular topology.

New Herbig Haro Physics is supposed to be obtained by the architecture of Quantum FFF (Function Follows Form) Theory.

Could we live in a rigid string based entangled symmetrical multiverse? Characteristics:

1: The clear MICROSTRUCTURE or the 3D FORM of rigid elementary particles, (also called 3DPreons) made out of convertible Higgs particles, is responsible for “Bound states of Fermions” and composite Quarks.

2: A massless Axion Higgs particle is supposed to be energetic oscillating, it is the origin all particle motion and spin states and Dark energy inside a truncated tetrahedron shaped chiral vacuum lattice.

The lattice chirality (left or right handed) is the origin of our material universe. Axion-Higgs particles are zero point “Planck Oscillators” the origin of the Casimir force, waiting to be harnessed as free energy.

3: Nothing sucks in physics, Gravitons act with less pressure on Fermions than the Axion Higgs vacuum (dark energy) and everything is entangled by instant communication between at least two anti-copy universe or Raspberry multiverse, being entangled since the big bang.

4: Black holes of all sizes (down to interference black holes like ball lightning) do not emit gravitons, they feel only Casimir Gravity of the vacuum oscillations so they are massless but counter intuitively the origin of dark matter and producers of all Hydrogen by electron and Positron pairs as horizon fluctuations and repel all Fermionic plasma at the BH horizon accelerated by the negative charged electron shell around each black hole..

5: The Multiverse is Pulsating by two phenomena, A; vacuum (Higgs) eating new paradigm dark matter black holes (causing the Hubble redshift) B: by universal expansion caused by the oscillation vacuum force (Dark energy) of the Axion Higgs vacuum lattice. FUNCTION FOLLOWS FORM in Quantum FFF-Theory.

The Microstructure of elementary particles, is supposed to be the origin of functional differences between Higgs- Photon- and propeller shaped Fermion particles.

Something small is missing in mainstream physics: a NEW splitting and pairing Massless black hole, the origin of all dark matter, Ball Lightning Micro Comets , Comets, Sunspots up to Galaxy external Anchor Black Holes and the Big Crunch of the CP symmetric pulsating raspberry shaped multiverse.

The multiverse can be compared with a huge pinball machine, with dark energy in the form of linear oscillating double Higgs pins as the origin of photonic collision products with the propeller shaped Fermions as balls.

All forces are the result of this entangled Pin-Ball interaction. The 125GeV Higgs Boson recently found in the LHC is assumed to be not a single but a threefold knot of monopole magnetic particles ( North or South).

The 125GeV energy is the base for universal dark energy, the frequency is the base for local time and the length a base for the Planck scale. (Twin Higgs, Dual Higgs, Duplex Higgs, or Tandem Higgs) .

As a result, an unstable Higgs vacuum seems to be present around all black hole horizons due to observed H2 plasma production and annihilation radiation created by pair production of positrons and electrons. (Instability of the Higgs field)

The Lyman alpha Structure of the universe seems to be the result of the H2 production and black hole splitting process, which seems to be supported by the recently observed huge Quasar Groups found by R.Clowes, et al. (Ref: 96) and the recent UHECR ( Ultra High Energetic Cosmic Rays) observations from the Pierre Auger Observatory.(Ref. 97.)

Consequently this seems to be a new support to consider new astrophysical models such an alternative Big Bang black hole splitting process.

Quantum FFF Physics. Quantum FFF theory states, that the vacuum is seeded with fast oscillating massless Axion Higgs particles, oscillating along a complex chiral tetrahedral vacuum lattice, which has the ability to transfer Photon and Graviton FORM information in bunches of oscillations, through the vacuum lattice with the local speed of light.

As a consequence there are no attraction forces on propeller shaped Fermions. Gravity seems to be the result of two different impulse arrays: the massless Axion-Higgs impulse array and the opposing (less effective) massless Graviton impulse array.

Also: Black holes suffer only Higgs impulses and NO gravitons are escaping because the nucleus of the black hole is supposed to be a super dense knot of real rigid Axion Higgs particles.

Only the statistical sum of the different kinds of vacuum impulses from all directions on Fermions are responsible for all (energetic) phenomena in the universe.

The accelerating plasma tail of NEW paradigm black holes, and the splitting black holes by smaller pairing black holes is supposed to be the origin of a smooth proliferation of black holes in the universe.

The Eagle Spire Nebula, (fig. 7) the Carina and other nebulas, are examples of a smooth proliferation of black holes through Galaxies and Nebula.

What we can observe in these nebulas is the pairing and splitting of black holes ending up into multiple Herbig Haro objects as the origin of new stars as the start of small open star clusters..

Our sun is supposed to be also a remnant of a former open star cluster located in between two Stellar Anchor black holes, representing the so called hotspots of a former Herbig Haro object. ( figure 1and 3)

The solar planetary system and planets are supposed to be expelled from the ever growing Sun by instable stellar rotation effects.

As a result we may discriminate two different kinds of stars: Stars accompanied by two or even more Stellar Anchor Black holes ( SABHs) and stars that are not.

We may observe clear differences in the way stars form planetary nebula at the end of their life.

There are Planetary Nebula’s (PNs) with and without clear hotspots located on both sides of the symmetrical exploded gas distribution.

Next pages should give visual support for these statements.

The Herbig Haro star system is a micro electric Birkeland current production device for free energy.

The Trapped vacuum surface at the black hole horizon, is supposed to be a real vacuum string collider creating pairs of fermions and negative charged plasma clouds around the black hole.