Thursday, November 09, 2023

Too Massive Early Galaxies, is originated by the Big Bang Black Hole splicing of a former Universe Big Crunch String Black Hole..

Those Massive Early Galaxies Found by James Webb is explained by the Big Crunch String Black Hole splitting bouncing Big Bang of Quantum FFF Theory. see:  

see also;  New evidence for a starforming black hole (fermion repelling into jets)  see NASA:

and:  NASA:  and: 

The Dark Matter Black Hole Spitting Big Bang making Tadpole BHs (Proplyds) for the first Star formation and dual Herbig Haro systems. see:

Why Black Holes do not swallow Fermions and repel them in charged layers.

The new physics fermion producing and repelling black hole creating a travelling Tadpole. to form a Herbig Haro system with an equal sized dual BH.

The new physics fermion producing and repelling black hole creating a travelling Tadpole. to form a Herbig Haro system with an equal sized dual BH.
Below: The bouncing multiverse  based on the expanding and contracting Vacuum volume/Black Holes number/Fermion amount

Not two, but 12 copy universes are needed to create consciousness described by Benjamin Libet. (Free Wont's tests)
 Testing the conscious 12 fold multiverse.