Thursday, November 02, 2023

Ylem bubbles, the original matter from which the basic elements are said to have been formed following the explosion postulated in the big bang theory of cosmology.

 ylem bubbles / (ˈaɪləm) / noun. the original matter from which the basic elements are said to have been formed following the explosion postulated in the big bang theory of cosmology?

Below: YLEM bubbles coordinated inside a Torus shape, transformable by three hinges according to Q-FFF Theory.
See below: the Ball Lightning/Black Hole / Big Bang String/Brane Knot.
see also:
Conclusion: Consciousness and Creativity need a dual undivided entangled supersymmetric multiverse. 
see also The Cyclic Undivided Raspberry Multiverse, need an undivided entangled super symmetric Multiverse.

related Ylem Text in: Lemaître’s Big Bang.
Gamow and his collaborators[30]. The latter took advantage of the fact that the early universe should havebeen very hot. 
(In contrast with Q-FFF String Knot Theory) Assuming a primitive mixture of nuclear particles called Ylem, a Hebrew term referring to a primitive substance from which the elements are supposed to have been formed, they were able to explain the genesis of the lightest nuclei (deuterium, helium, and lithium) during the first three minutes of the Universe, 
 at an epoch when the cosmic temperature reached 10 billion degrees. Next they predicted that,  at a later epoch, when the Universe had cooled to a few thousand degrees, it suddenly became transparent and allowed light to escape for the first time.
See also:
The Cold Cyclic Big Bang String Theory, as explosion of the Big Crunch String Black Hole with Herbig Haro heating

Creativity and Consciousness is only possible inside the 12 folded raspberry Multiverse.
Also the dual collapse of the wavefunction is needed for consiousness and decission making and FREE WON'T of Benjamin Libet.