Sunday, December 03, 2023

James Webb Telescope Just Saw The Farthest Star Ever And It's Mind Blowing see: Q-FFF theory: mystery solved of star/galaxy formation.

The video above: The joungest star (red) between two equal sized black holes (white) observed in the circle connected by jets.
Op de voorpagina van de youtube poster zie in de circel het eerste Herbig Haro systeem met twee witte puntjes en een rode nevel er tussen in,
Dit is in mijn theory the snelste manier om een ster/galaxy te maken.
Dus tussen twee zwarte gaten van gelijke zwaarte.

Below: the multi big bang explosion of th central Singularity black hole, into single travelling Black Holes making starclusters en equal sized black holes calle Herbig Haro systems with star formation in between.

A single black hole travelling and pushed by its self produced plasma tail creating a filament of stars behind, loking for an other black hole to merge or to make a Herbig Haro system with an eaqual sized (15%) BH to make a non travelling spiral star formation in between.

Below: Why it is postulated that equal sized black holes (LIGO/VIRGO, do not merge, but reject each other to form a Herbig Haro system for a star and later a galaxy formation. see 

Below: Different sized megre black holes, and equal sized BHs 1.0//1,0 repelling Herbig Haro BHs..

Interesting interview:

Dual Black Hole Quasars found in star clusters.