Monday, December 11, 2023

Travelling Single Trailing Tadpole Black Holes and Merging Dual Spiralling Black Holes seem the base for the main Universal Complexity.

It was Roger Penrose who explained the habits of each Black Hole creating a "Trapped Space " horizon.
The new Q-FFF Theory however, added a new vacuum Axion vacuum collision effect to the trapped space horizon creating two different charged Fermion horizon layers with a negative charge at the outside in our material universe. (see below)
In such equal sized black hole or (called Herbig Haro) star forming systems, both outer negative charged horizons seems to be the origin that both black holes are moving away from each other as Bowshocks leaving a plasma trail behind and a young star in the middle. see:

Even direct after the Black Hole splitting Big Bang Both system are observed.

see also bekow: the trailing Tadpole- and the Wiggler micro black holes: both seem starforming star clusters travelling and pushed by self produced plasma tails.

Even after the Star explosion leaving Starspot black holes behingd, forming dual Herbig Haro star formations and single tadpole BHs.