Wednesday, January 24, 2024

GRAVITY: YOUTUBE. Gravity seems created by the vacuum pressure (Dark Energy) all around us counter attacked by the less pressure coming from General mass: Baryon radiation called of graviton particles. So, gravity is a DUAL opposite PRESSURE FORCE. OF PARTICLE INTERACTIONS

Gravity seems created by the vacuum pressure all around us, counter attacked by the less pressure Graviton scattering coming from general baryonic  mass: We may call it: Baryon radiation or real but weak graviton particles.
So, gravity is a DUAL opposite PRESSURE FORCE. OF PARTICLE (String) INTERACTIONS : see:
We may test it by two aligned micro ball lightning black holes

 Below the vacuum Dark energy particles (Axion rings:blue)transformed by the propeller shaped Fermions Bayryons milling the vacuum particles into different monopole Fermions.(yellow).