Sunday, January 28, 2024

Roger Penrose CHANGED HIS CCC MODEL ! The "ENTROPY GOES DOWN" (the second law is wrong!!! )saying it, at the END OF HIS VIDEO!! (19.30 min)

 Roger Penrose CHANGED HIS CCC MODEL ! The "ENTROPY GOES DOWN" saying it, at the END OF HIS VIDEO!! (19.30 min) which is  the end of a universal cycle!!! However, he just did not say: "into a big Crunch" as the Q-FFF model does. because in fact The 2e law of thermodynamics is wrong !!! for black holes even during and specially at the end of Inflation. into the big Crunch!!! : See also;


Below we observe the different solutions of the old Penrose CCC model with constant entropy increase,  and the Q-FFF Theory model based on Big Crunches by Entropy decrease into Big Crunch Black Holes forming the Big Bang singularity Black Hole.

So, Penrose's NEW NOTION OF ENTROPY MEANS, THAT just like the Q-FFF Theory, the universal entropy of black hole distribution goes up and also down, during the inflation period, until the big Crunch black hole, forms a so called single "String Knot black hole", compressed by the "local Axion vacuum oscillations". Which are However, also more and more consumed by all the string knot black holes. These dark matter (former dark energy) Black holes, are growing until all Dark Energy Axion strings of the former universe are consumed, ready to explode again, as splitting Black hole Big Bang, by the decreasing Vacuum (Axion) pressure reaching the point of equilibrium point.

Penrose about the end of time and different Entropies up or down. Penrose said: he normalized the entropy and surprize: at the end the Entropy comes way down!!!
However my Q-FFF Theory says: from the Big Bang Black hole splitting , Entropy goes up by black hole /star and gas production, but also going DOWN by Black Hole merging into a Big Crunch!!!So, Penrose's NEW NOTION OF ENTROPY MEANS, THAT just like the Q-FFF Theory, the universal entropy goes up and also down, in the inflation period, until the big Crunch black hole, forms a so called the String Knot black hole, compressed by the local Axion vacuum oscillations, eating these vacuum Axions and growing until Dark Energy Axion strings of the former universe are consumed, ready to explode again, as splitting Black hole Big Bang, by the decreasing Vacuum (Axion) pressure reaching an equilibrium point.