Monday, January 15, 2024

The Black Hole Splitting Big Bang seems the Origin of the "Biggest Thing in the Universe: The Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall ( 10 billion LYs)"

According to Q-FFF Theory, the Big Bang was the explosion and evaporation  of the original Big Crunch Black Hole of a former universe (multiverse).

However, the physics must be rewritten on the Dark Matter Black Holes, repelling all self created fermions and plasma close by, but even the Axion vacuum space frame(below)

BELOW: The self propelled black hole by its self created and repelled vapour plasma tail, the origin of large flamentary structures in the universe. Not pnly micro black holes, but ALL BHs have the same string knot nucleus singularity compacted by the oscillating Axion vacuum.( see also Casimir vacuum gravity)