Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Einstein's Special Relativity Theory only holds near the Earth or Massive object like the sun. BUT NOT IN FAR SPACE . The LISA satellite will show us the reality of a plastic luminurous ether. see models

Einstein's Special Relativity Theory, only holds near the Earth or Massive object like the sun. like the nul-result of the Michelson& Morley experiment. (GPS etc. but not between free satellites like LISA)

BUT NOT IN SPACE . between satellites, like The LISA satellite, which will show us from 2025, the reality of a (plastic) luminiferous ether and the lightspeed (decreasing/extinction) volumes around objects. see models below:
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Construction Principles for Chiral “atoms of Spacetime Geometry” Including Space Curvature Around Massive Objects.
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(3) [3] viXra:1102.0056 (879 unique-IP downloads)
Experiments to Determine the Mass Related Lightspeed Extinction Volume around objects.
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ZPE Zero Point Energy Examples Around Black Holes.
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[51] viXra:1409.0164 (793 unique-IP downloads).
The O‘Connell Effect in Eclipsing Binaries Explained by Mass Related Light Speed Extinction Distances (Lasof) of Stars and Even Planets.
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John S. Bell Was Right: “How to Teach Special Relativity” and Atomic Pear Shaped Contraction.
Authors: Leo Vuyk.
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2 Signals for Retarded Single Big Bang Black Hole Nucleus Splitting and Pairing into Dual Black Hole Herbig Haro Systems. Single-cdf-s-xt1-and-dual-macs1423.html
Authors: Leo Vuyk.
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A Consciousness Theory of Everything based on Rigid Transformable Strings, Instantly Entangled Between 8 or 12 CP Symmetric Universal

Einsten's special Theory of Relativity is only accepted in the neighbourhood of the earth. (M&M experiment) NOT IN SPACE!!!
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Testing Proposals for Human Free Will in the Raspberry Multiverse, Local Entanglement and M&M Lightspeed.
Authors: Leo Vuyk.
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Novel Ideas About Dark Matter and the SuSy Multiverse.
Authors: Leo Vuyk.
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Alternative Michelson and Morley Experiment Between Two Satellites .
Authors: Leo Vuyk.
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What is Wrong with Current Physics to Explain Ball Lightning
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[146] viXra:2101.0158, (522 unique-IP downloads)
Primordial Black Holes and Dual Herbig Haro Effects for Star-Galaxy Formation
Authors: Leo Vuyk

Below: Only distant from massive objects the luminiferous ether can be measured. see the future LISA Satellite project. and the CHAMP result of Tae Suk Bae.. (Q-FFF Model)