Monday, February 19, 2024

Entropy decline creating the Big Crunch, based on the peculiar SMBH reduction from 3x SMBHs into only TWO 1- parcsecond distant SMBHs.

Why 1-Parsec SMBH (Super Massive  BH Binaries) DO NOT Merge.!! Because: All Black Holes are Negative charged  (see: Q-FFF Model below) So Binary SMBHs don't merge if they are of the about same SMBH size. So the entropy of SMBHs is going down, just as R. Penrose predicted for the whole universe.

For Penrose Entropy decline, see: Quantum Function Follows FORM, (Q-FFF Theory) An Entangled Mirror Multiverse String Theory..: Roger Penrose: “String Theory Is (NOT) Wrong and Dark Matter Does Exist!” But the CCC Model remains for a multiverse.. (

Below: 2x2 SMBH binary BH Galaxies (green/Red), Merging into 2x Triple SMBHs Galaxies, forming each a larger Binary SMBH kept at 1 parcsec distance, By both negative charges. This system is Assumed to Grow into an entangled  dual Big CRUNCH Black Hole, as the base for our new material  Universe.

The 6x Anti material copy CPT symmetric universes in the entangled Multiverse of Q-FFF Theory, are supposed to follow the same process.

Below: 2x Dual Binary Nuclear Galaxy Black Holes (SMBHs (green and Red) seem to merge into 2x Triple  SMBHs, Leaving 2x Larger Equal (1 psec distant) Binary SMBHs Behind.(Green and Red) 

SEE also: changed image called  : “MBH binary intruders: triple systems from cosmological simulations”  by: Mohammad Sayeb, Laura Blecha, Luke Zoltan Kelley. see:

So:  Entropy goes down due to  Black Hole growing by selective triple merging of SMBHs. and dual merging of different sized small BHs (LIGO) Equal sized dual SMBHs do not merge, without a third SMBH.

see also Black Holes as Star Creators: a support for the Black Hole Splitting of the Big Bang Black Hole Singularity. :

Figure above: A schematic of MBH merger tree (left) and separation vs time evolution (right) are shown here. The dark circles represent MBHs in the left hand side. The numbers in each circle represent the MBHs unique ID in the Illustris simulation and the direction of time flow is from top to bottom. The highlighted areas show potential independent triples. Note that the color of the highlighted area on the merger tree and the schematic curves plotted on the right hand side are arbitrary; there is no one-to-one correspondence between the merger tree on the left and the schematic curve on the right. However, the solid and dashed linking lines in the diagram on the left do indicate the first and second binaries, respectively. On the right hand side the curves show the binary separation as a function of time. The solid curves show the first merger and the dashed lines show the subsequent or second merger. In order to identify the systems that can potentially evolve into a triple MBH, we look for repeated MBH IDs in subsequent mergers (left). If a repeated ID is identified we then look at the separation vs time curve of the current binary (i.e. first binary or inner binary) and that of the subsequent binary (i.e. second binary or outer binary). If the curves cross at some point (denoted with stars) before 𝑧 = 0 then the system becomes a successful triple. Three different classes of outcomes are shown in the right figure. (a) The blue curves do not intersect with each other, meaning that the first binary is being chased by the intruding MBH (outer binary) and no triple forms. (b) The red curves show a case where the first binary is overtaken by the intruder (outer binary) at small separations (< 100 pc); we refer to this as a “strong triple". (c) The green curves show a binary overtaken by an intruder at large separations, indicating a “weak triple".

Below: The New negative charged Black Hole (Penrose-Q-FFF Black Hole Model), is creating Fermion plasma for black hole Tadpole repulsion and dual Herbig Haro spiral Galaxies.

Below: The Big Bang and Star/Galaxy formation out of at least two Big Crunch Black Holes to form a (matter and anti-matter) multiverse. See also the Tadpole Black Holes jets forming the Herbig Haro star forming systems.