Saturday, March 16, 2024

Another Impossible Galaxy Revealed by JWST, Here's Why It Makes No Sense: Too Heavy Too Early and Early Bars and also Dead !!!!

Questions: to Q-FFF Theory:  
Why the early galaxies are too Heavy Too Early Bars, To much stars, see:  JWST 7329 and Cears, 2112.
Q-FFF Theory says: 
1: All Black Holes are New Physics Penrose-Q-FFF Trapped Space Black Holes, see below;
2: The Big Bang was the explosion of a monster String Knot Black Hole (the Big Crunch BH, of the former cyclic universe) into smaller Tadpole Black holes travelling through space to form Star Clusters or Dark Quasi black hole Stars and super heavy galaxies.
3, Also the Dark Energy Vacuum virtual strings where formed by the explosions. see image below.
see also:

The Cyclic Raspberry Multiverse (8-12x?) as the origin of the uncertainty collapse of all wavefunctions and free will ( Benjamin Libet, see: 1704.0003v1.pdf (